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Total War: Warhammer 3 – All Three Legendary Lords For ‘Shadows of Change’ Confirmed

3 Minute Read
Aug 8 2023

Total War: Warhammer 3 is getting a new DLC is adding three new Legendary Lords and now we know who’s on deck!

The teasers have been rolling for a while now but today we get a final count and confirmation as to which Legendary Lords are coming to Total War: Warhammer 3. Get ready for some deep lore cuts…

via Warhammer Community

As of the 31st of August though, you’ll want to nudge [the Legendary Lords] number up to 89 with the arrival of the Shadows of Change DLC.

This new DLC pack introduces three new Legendary Lords with their own campaign mechanics and a range of new units for multiple factions, to complement the rosters of these armies.

Shadows of Change Legendary Lords

The Changeling

First up we have the Changeling. You know, after seeing the title of the DLC, this does seem kinda obvious. Anyhow, the long time Tzeentch sorcerer/trickster is finally coming to Total War: Warhammer in this new DLC.


“His campaign mechanics focus on pursuing a variety of Schemes. Create cults in enemy cities to fulfil Minor Schemes, trick characters into betraying their allies to complete Grand Schemes, and achieve total success through sewing discord with the Ultimate Scheme – one final cosmic jape. “

Good luck dealing with those more complex internal politics when the Changeling is in your head, messing with your dudes!

Yaun Bo

This was confirmed already but it’s great to see The Jade Dragon in all his glory! Known as the Emperor’s Executioner, he’s a dangerous martial artist on top of being a spymaster AND a supreme spellcaster! Is there anything he can’t do!? Well, he’s also a freakin’ Dragon…so yeah.

“He spreads unrest and disharmony through duplicity, can take advantage of his Court connections to rush construction, and quell rebellions to embolden his people. All that, and he can even tackle enemy Lords in one on one combat. “

Personally, yeah, I’d keep an eye out for this guy. He sounds like a really powerful Legendary Lord to play and a real threat to see on the battlefield!


Mother Ostankya

Hey, I said this one had some deep lore cuts and here she is! Mother Ostankya is coming to help uh…”defend” the realm. Seeing her in action I do wonder which side she’s actually on. That side just might be her own.

“A vengeful Kislevite witch on a quest to collect forbidden hexes, she must defeat powerful guardians to secure magical trinkets that can be used to create incantations at her Witch’s Hut. As her power grows, she can use Blessings to empower her allies, and weaken foes with Curses, all while seeking out the most powerful hex, the Malediction of Ruin.”

Don’t mess with Mother Ostankya!

More New Units

Also confirmed from GW is that there are 12 new units coming to the game on top of these Legendary Lords.

“Twelve new units hit the field, including the Blue Scribes P’tarix and Xirat’p, and the betentacled Mutalith Vortex Beast for Tzeentch, living Jade and Jet Lion statues backed up by Onyx Crowmen for Cathay, and beastly things for Kislev including the Elemental Incarnate of Beasts and The Things in the Woods. “

Finally, there’s also a bunch of free changes coming to the game as well with the new 4.0 patch. These include campaign improvements, AI updates, garrison changes, updated difficulty settings, and new landmarks for the older legacy factions. There’s also the Legendary Hero Aekold Helbrass coming for free to everyone!


Shadows of Change is up for pre-order from Steam, Microsoft, and the Epic Game Store today!

Author: Adam Harrison
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