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Star Wars: Five Ahsoka Tano Moments That Make Us More Excited Than Ever For Her Show

4 Minute Read
Aug 17 2023

Ahsoka Tano is a character with a million great scenes, but to us, these are some of the best Ahsoka moments (so far).

When it comes to a character like Ahsoka Tano, there are bound to be a ton of great scenes. She’s a character who’s been around for a relatively long time, is incredibly popular with most of the fanbase, and has had an incredible amount of on-screen character growth. And we’re getting even more of her next week when Ahsoka’s stand-alone streaming series premiers on Disney+. If you’re not quite hyped for this show, or looking for a quick reminder or refresher on why Ahsoka is one of everyone’s favorite force wielders, here are some of her best moments so far.

This list will contain spoilers for Star Wars: The Clone Wars and Star Wars: Rebels. If you haven’t seen them yet… why haven’t you seen them yet?

Leaving Jedi Order

The Clone Wars – Season 5 Episode 20

This episode was such a kick in the gut. Ahsoka has just been framed for Jedi terrorism by somebody who she thought was her friend. Luckily, after spending some time on the run and working tirelessly to prove her innocence, she was finally able to get to the bottom of what had happened and cleared her name.

The damage was done, though, and even after the Jedi order welcomed her back she realized that it wasn’t what she thought it was and wasn’t where she was meant to be. We sort of knew Ahsoka would leave somehow since she isn’t in any of the prequel films. But the way it happens is heartbreaking. And for some newer or younger fans of the series especially, this is one of the first times they see that the Jedi order isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.


Ahsoka v. The Magistrate


The Mandalorian – Season 2, Episode 5

In the grand scheme of Ahsoka’s battles, this one wasn’t the most awe-inspiring. It’s a little more simple, and a little more grounded in real-world physics. But that works so well with this episode and its Kurosawa film-inspired style. But it was exciting to see Ahsoka back again. And in live-action! This made us want more of Rosario Dawson’s Ahsoka, and with that exact wish so close, I can’t wait to see what else they do with this character and this format.


Order 66

The Clone Wars – Season 7, Episode 11

This was a scene that we knew was coming, but it didn’t make any of these episodes sting any less. The final episodes of The Clone Wars take place alongside Order 66 on the timeline. Ahsoka is traveling with Rex and the clones under her command, and she ends up having to battle them. Somehow she manages to apprehend Rex and have his chip removed, resulting in her having one ally on the ship.

But perhaps worse is Ahsoka somehow hearing through the Force what’s happening with Anakin Skywalker on the other side of the galaxy. She has a front-row seat not only for the fall of the Jedi Order but the fall of her old master and friend to the Dark Side. It’s one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the animated shows, but the way it’s written and handled is downright perfect.



Ahsoka v. Maul

The Clone Wars – Season 7, Episode 10

The return of Darth Maul in The Clone Wars is in and of itself an entire reason to watch this series. His story arc is so awful and fantastic in that way that only an antagonist who you love to hate can nail. And in The Clone Wars‘ final season, his story’s payout comes when he battles Ahsoka.

The battle was choreographed by none other than live-action Maul himself, Ray Parker, and the snark the two characters display along with their physical prowess is something we have come to love from Star Wars. Season seven gave us many meaningful moments and sad, satisfying conclusions to character arcs. But it also gave us some of the best action scenes and battles in the entire IP.


Ahsoka v. Vader

Rebels, Season 2, Episode 23

This isn’t the first time that Ahsoka battles Anakin/Darth Vader, and not the first time that it hurts us as the audience. But it’s one of those moments that sends a shiver down my spine every single time. The fight choreography, the use of music, Ahsoka’s pained expression when Vader tells her that he destroyed Anakin, and the half a moment of humanity Anakin shows, it’s all so good.


And of course, this is where Ahsoka throws out her famous, “I am no Jedi,” line. It’s a full circle moment from when she leaves the Jedi order so, so long ago. Unfortunately, this scene leaves us on a bit of a cliffhanger. But the payoff that comes later is some of the best, wildest use of the Force in Star Wars.

What do you think the best Ahsoka moment is? Did your favorite make our list? Are you excited for Ahaoka’s live-action return next week? Let us know in the comments!

Ahsoka will return in a two-episode series premiere on Wednesday, August 23rd, 2023.

May the Force be with you, adventurers!

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