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Star Wars: The Five Best TIE Fighters

4 Minute Read
Jul 7 2023

Let’s take a look at the best of the Empire’s iconic fighter line, its the five best TIE fighters.

The TIE fighter is one of the most iconic spaceships in history. It is instantly recognizable by any fan and even many non-fans. It has also spawned a large line of TIE variants used by the Galactic Empire. Today let’s take a look at the five best TIEs out there (no bowties).

N.B. Today I am sticking with canon-only TIEs.

5. TIE Advanced x1

The TIE Advanced x1 is the second TIE fighter we see in the movies. It’s a very solid design. From the first moment you see it you recognize that it is clearly a TIE fighter of some sort. However, this bulkier variant projects more power and durability than your standard TIE, it’s clearly a superior breed. This means that it pairs well with its most famous pilot, Darth Vader, projecting power with its every move. Performance wise it’s also a step above a basic TIE, being faster, and equipped with shielding, a hyperdrive, and a missile launcher. All of these things make it one of the five best TIE fighters.

4. TIE/sk x1 Experimental Air Superiority Fighter

The TIE Striker is one of the most… striking TIE variants. While it’s clearly from the TIE line, with the characteristic ball cockpit and paneled wings, it’s also clearly something new and different. In a sea of TIEs with slightly different wing configurations, this bad boy went outside the box. It’s got a fast sleek look, and looks like it could actually land. The adjustable wings also put me in mind of a carrier-based fighter. It’s also faster and better armed than a basic TIE and capable of packing a punch. Interestingly its primary role was to be an atmospheric fighter, though it could operate in space.

3. TIE/d “Defender” Multi-Role Starfighter

Most TIEs are cheap, mass-produced fighters that are kind of… bad. They are hyper-focused on performing one role well, or passable at least, and being bad at others. They strength is their numbers, and sometimes their speed. The TIE Defender breaks all these rules. The Defender is what happens when the Empire tries to build a TIE that works like a Rebel multi-purpose starfighter.
It’s a silly-looking ship, that gets more wings than other TIEs and a weird configuration. It’s also a menacing-looking ship, slightly resembling a claw. The Defender has long been a fan favorite and packs a major punch. Like the Advanced it has a hyperdrive and shields. It’s fast and maneuverable and carries 6 heavy laser cannons, and tractor beam, and two warhead launchers. Some versions also carry ion cannons. Making it faster, tougher, and better armed than almost any other fighter and earning it a spot as one of the five best TIE fighters.

2. Outland TIE Fighter

The Outland TIE is one of the newest versions, but also one of my favorites. 99% of the time is a classic normal TIE fighter, so it keeps that classic TIE look and performance that we know and love. The main difference with the Outland is that its wings fold and it has landing gear so it can set down on planets. And yes, a normal TIE can land, sitting on its side panels, but it’s always a little silly looking and seems like it’s just going to break. The Outland is a subtle and simple update that improves on the basic TIE.

1. TIE/IN Interceptor

The TIE Interceptor is without a doubt the best TIE ever made.  The Interceptor is the Lamborghini of the TIE line, with every line, every panel screaming speed and mobility. This is a ship that just looks fast and deadly. And boy is it, it’s a fighter–and slightly better armed than a regular TIE, but still lacks the missiles or shields or a Rebel ship. Despite that, the Interceptor can go toe-to-toe with Rebel ships and come out ahead. The Interceptor is truly the ship of choice for discerning pilots around the galaxy, and one for any being that relishes a challenge.

Let us know what your favorite TIE is, down in the comments. 

Author: Abe Apfel
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