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‘Genshin Impact’ Cosplayer Brings Electric Skill to Comicpalooza

5 Minute Read
Jul 7 2023

This cosplayer is as distinguished as her Lisa from Genshin Impact cosplay and is judging the Comicpalooza 2023 cosplay competition!

Each year in Houston, Texas, cosplayers flock to the convention floor of Comicpalooza to show off their best creations. From Comicpalooza 2023 we have a whole new, exciting set of interviews and images for you to enjoy!

Lady Dimetrescu Cosplay with permission by Geeky Seamstress

Our second Comicpalooza 2023 interview comes from Geeky Seamstress–one of the talented cosplayers who presided as Judge over this year’s competition. She specializes in intricate stitch work, and her cosplays here are shining examples of that constructional prowess. We’re getting to know the powerhouse behind this year’s Comicpalooza judging panel!

Comicpalooza 2023 Cosplay Interview with permission by Geeky Seamstress

What was your first cosplay? Where did you wear it, and how did you choose that character?

A-Kon 2012 was my first convention, and I wore two cosplays to it: Korra from the Avatar: The Last Airbender cartoon series and Rainbow Dash from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Korra was a new show at the time, and I loved the character. I was a fan of the original series as well, but I liked how she was brash and impulsive – a complete counterpart to Aang. This costume marks the first time I touched a sewing machine and it was certainly a learning experience!

Rainbow Dash happened because My Little Pony was our crafting-binge show of choice during convention prep, so we opted to do a group costume. Most of that outfit was purchased and altered.

Which other cosplayers inspire you?

I love watching craftsmanship-based cosplay accounts. It’s always a delight to see intricate detail work come across my feed, especially when the creators also share tips and tutorials. Some of my favorites include Cowbutt Crunchies, Pros and Cons Cosplay, Kaye Cosplay, Kirilee Cosplay, Casey Renee Cosplay, and Dowen Creative Studios.

What is your strongest construction skill? What construction materials still give you a hard time?

As my handle indicates, needlework is my strongest construction skill. This was a necessity when I first started cosplay, as I lived in a small apartment and didn’t have the space to work with materials that required more ventilation. Within needlework, I specialize in stretch-based garments, corsetry, and tailoring.

I do dabble in several other skill sets, including wig styling, foamsmithing, resin casting, 3d printing, and more. I’ve spent a lot of time over the last few years 3d printing and body shopping, and I’d like to spend more time modeling in the near future. Foamsmithing is still the area that I most struggle with, so I’ve dedicated more time lately to working with it. Can’t learn if you don’t practice!

Does your culture, identity, or personality inspire your cosplay? If so, how?

I’m completely self-taught and spent a lot of my early cosplay years also learning how to sew clothing for daily wear. As a plus-size person, this was an eye-opening experience that also taught me to be kinder to my body and truly value the work that goes into making garments. Being large and tall, I’ve often struggled with the idea that my body is “wrong” when it comes to ready-to-wear (RTW) clothing. Learning to make my own clothes and costumes meant that I could finally make things that not only fit me but made me feel amazing. Having that knowledge is incredibly liberating!

Byleth Cosplay with permission by Geeky Seamstress
Byleth Cosplay with permission by Geeky Seamstress

Do you have any favorite memories from your time spent cosplaying?

At the risk of sounding like a cliche, my favorite memories with cosplay usually involve time spent with friends, whether that’s hanging out and working on new builds during craft day, taking ridiculous photos of each other, or catching up with people at conventions that I only get to see a handful of times in a given year.

What’s the funniest/most disastrous cosplay malfunction you’ve ever experienced/survived?

One of my worst cosplay malfunctions was nearly suffering heat stroke due to a very bad material choice for my Batwoman costume. I was attending a Texas-based convention in the middle of summer and made the suit out of stretch vinyl which DOES NOT BREATHE. The costume also had a very large cape made of lightweight leather and was lined in a polyester satin. Add in a leather mask, the wig, and vinyl gloves, and I was basically walking around in soup! I think I was outdoors for all of 20 minutes when I realized that I couldn’t stand being in the suit any longer and had to get out THAT SECOND. It was a good thing I did, because I was extremely dehydrated afterwards. That was definitely a lesson in being mindful of when and where I wear certain types of costumes!

Mitsuri Cosplay with permission by Geeky Seamstress

What’s one piece of valuable advice you have for cosplayers, competitive or otherwise?

Learn to appreciate and enjoy YOUR journey! We wear a lot of hats as cosplayers and it’s easy to compare yourself to others, especially with social media. But our journeys are unique to us. Where you’re at now isn’t where you’ll be at in 5-10 years. Give yourself some grace if you’re having a hard time and remember that failure can be a great teacher.

Lisa from Genshin Impact with permission by Geeky Seamstress
Lisa from Genshin Impact with permission by Geeky Seamstress

~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

Have a Cosplay question you would like Mayhem’s Muse to answer?

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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