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Age of Sigmar: ‘Castelite Formation’ And More Rules For The Cities of Sigmar

3 Minute Read
Aug 8 2023

Games Workshop is showcasing some more rules from the Cities of Sigmar. Get ready for a mobile castle to take to battle.

The new Cities of Sigmar battletome and army update is quickly approaching. Within the new book we’re getting a slew of new rules. Today, GW is pulling the covers off some of the rules and confirming a few things. First up, we get a look at their in battletome formation.

via Warhammer Community

“It took weeks of cautious trudging, but thankfully for everyone involved, this novel approach to cross-country travel worked. When word of Vedra’s strategy got back to the eggheads at the Acadamae Martial, they dubbed it the ‘Castelite formation’ and soon ordered it adopted by Sigmarite expeditions across the Mortal Realms. The thinking is simple – if sallying forth from a stronghold is a solid tactic, why not bring the walls with you?”

Castelite Formation

This is a pretty straightforward formation for the the Cities of Sigmar. If you take at least one Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk, three units of Freeguild Fusiliers and a single cannon you can drop them all in this formation. The benefits are that this becomes a single drop formation and you get a free “All-out Attack or Unleash Hell” command once per battle for these units.

The Castelite Formation is functionally a mobile fort for the rest of your army. You’ll get to drop that down and have a solid firebase that you can build around. GW suggests loading up some Freeguild Cavaliers that can surge out from behind this wall to press the attack. That’s probably not a terrible call as this Formation is mobile but it’s not exactly fast.

As an example, we have the Ironweld Great Cannon. While it does have some range 24″ shots, GW did say this about the cannon:


“Black-powder weapons are hefty iron constructions fitted with fussy mechanisms, and the Castelite Formation is at its most lethal when it is in a fortified position. A dug-in Ironweld Great Cannon can blast apart elite warriors with its Cannonball or Armour-piercing Shell, but if the formation is on the move then they make do with hastily loaded Grapeshot.”

So basically, if you move the cannon you’ll lose the option for the two hardest hitting shots — at least until you can get the cannon fortified again.

GW also suggested you take a Battlepriest to help supplement the army. They can drop a 6+ ward for Cities of Sigmar Human units within range of an Objective.

While it’s only a 6+ ward, it’s still better than nothing! I’ve seen a 6+ ward save the final point of damage to a unit more times than I can count. It’s not something I count on but when it does happen it’s a nice bonus.

I’ve made my feeling about this army’s rule pretty clear. That said, I do think the models themselves are pretty great and you first crack at them will be the Army box coming soon!



At least this gunline won’t be able to teleport…right?!

Author: Adam Harrison
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